Dazed & (not so) Confused: A Contemporary Sex Survey


Recently (September 2014), Dazed (a digital arts and culture magazine) published the results from their large scale (114 countries, 10,500 participants) sex survey exploring:

“What you want, who you want and how you do it from the screen to the bedroom.”


Suspending my need for scientific rigor, there are some fascinating findings from the study, which focused primarily on today’s youth, dubbed, generation swipe:


  • Men are twice as likely to lie about their identity online.
  • 50% of us send naked selfies, but if you like sex when you’re high, or have had sex with more than one person in a day, you’re notably more likely.
    • 40% of you like having sex on drugs, and 36% have had sex with more than one person in a day. If you’re that way inclined, you’re more likely to be the type to send over a naked picture to a significant other


  • Gay men use apps to get laid will surprise no one, but still, the numbers were striking – more than 50% primarily use apps to hook up, compared with the heterosexual 10%.
  • 28% of Americans felt that technology made their sex lives more neurotic, less erotic.


  • Consumption and viewing of porn has been transformed:
    • 25% of respondents never watch pornography, 59% watch it one to five times a week, and 16% six or more times.
    • While the majority of women indulge at least once a week, only 4% do so six or more times a week, compared with 60% of men who watch it nearly every day or more.


“Straight women’s consumption of lesbian porn outstrips men’s: only gay or bisexual women watch more girl-on-girl. The fact that twice as many girls chose “other” as their favorite porn type than guys, for example, suggests that mainstream porn does not cater for women’s needs as well as it does their male equivalents.”

  • >50% of all respondents have never had sex on camera, 34% have: about two thirds of this group regarded it as positive experience which they’d like to repeat, and 9% of all respondents – said they would never do it again.



  • 44% use protection all the time, 46% some of time, 10% never.
    • Gay men are the most careful demographic, with half always using a condom, and less than 5% saying never, the lowest of any demographic.
    • Gay women, alternatively, use protection the least, with over two thirds never using protection, and under 20% using it always.



  • 1 in 5 of us see polyamory as the perfect set-up.
    • Straight guys are bigger fans of multiple-partner relationships than straight girls.
  • Bisexual people of both genders are least likely to identify with monogamy as the perfect domestic set-up, and the most likely to favour a poly relationship.
  • 8% say that love is “everything”, while 32% said that it meant nothing.
  • A resounding 75% said that sex was important or very important, with only 3% saying it was unimportant.
    • sex was more essential to women than men – with more gay and bisexual women rating it as “important or very important” than their male counterparts.


While we can wonder about confounding factors, or the soundness of the study design, etc…we cannot discount the interesting nature of some of these findings or the fact that they reflect some real shifts in our sexual realities…some good, some not so much…but, overall it’s striking (and pleasing) to see that we are becoming much more open and accepting when it comes to variant sexual expressions and our responsible enjoyment of…it ALL! 😉 xxx Dr. NymphoBrainiac.

When it Comes to Selling Sex…America Fails

Earlier this week the Canadian company PornHub presented their finalists for their American ad campaign, and to be honest I was unimpressed:


Aside from the few cute visual representations of masturbation habits in today’s western culture…the finalist submissions…were overly vague…and not at all sexy, in my opinion.


I mean porn is supposed to be sexy, right? Or at the very least indicative of the erotic…


These felt…cold and slightly glib…one was overtly sexist and insinuating violence towards women (Yes, I get the joke, it just wasn’t that funny):


I mean is this a rap video? What are we selling here? Children’s toys? Rape? I AM CONFUSED.


Because according to this…women don’t watch porn and hate it when their boyfriends/male partners do…huh?




And did you know that masturbating to porn on Pornhub is parallel to being a hipster?!?


I got you though, it’s all about self love, right?


And being a pervert…Values I can grasp and really hold onto!

Still, overall I thought these ads were a fail and was disappointed. If the media at large thinks we Americans are this dull and misogynistic when it comes to sex (and maybe by and large we are)…how does the media overseas understand their consumer base? The simple answer is: with A LOT MORE HUMOR…


and a bit of crassness…


in that fabulously dry British way…


Charmingly naughty, I would say.

Further, I the found ads for the Japanese store Condomania to be creative and to the point (something lacking in the American ads):




Listen, of course I understand that this is media’s take on our sexuality…and it’s as much a product of regulation and consumerism as it is a reflection of culture…but, I can’t help but think…we could have done better with this America…we could have done better:






Have a great Holiday weekend, xxx dr.c.

(Images supplied by: Panda Life Studios)

Before You Send that XXX-selfie, Consider THIS…

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I often blog about the fun and kinky aspects around sex and sexual expression/exploration; however, in the wake of more public cases involving a disgruntled ex- posting/exposing on social media a past lover’s nude and compromising photos and video (dubbed “revenge porn”) I wanted to address the more serious side of sex.

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Several states in the US have initiated “revenge porn” policies after the first case of its kind was brought to NY Criminal Court (People vs. Barber)by a woman who alleged that her boyfriend sent pictures of her naked body to her sister and her employer. The ex-boyfriend was arrested and charged with aggravated harassment, dissemination of unlawful surveillance and public display of offensive sexual material. However, the defendant was never charged for his actual crime. “WHY?” You ask, well…currently, New York has no law that specifically proscribes this “revenge porn” conduct. California has introduced such a bill; however, it does NOT include “selfies”…which is a major flaw…Think about how much of what you send your lover, by way of intimate shots is in fact a “selfie”.


The law, in its current form, therefore does not fully protect its intended victims.

Something to consider…before you hit… “send”…xxx dr.c.

A Naughty Poem 4 Your HUMP-DAY

The Battle

She dreams of

Tattoos, girls and shiny guns

But in her life

Jesus is a brand name

Her mind is

A movie of naughty fun

But her life

Keeps her free from blame

She wants

To be so Christian good

She wants

All that’s ‘demonly bad’

Wants to be

Everything she should

She wants all

The porno her mother had

Flashy dancer

And loud

There to be seen

-Mitulsa (online)

Enjoy it…dirty! xxx c.

What’s in a Name? (Part II: Charly Carlyle)


It was my first full-length “film”…and the night before shooting, at “rehearsal”, my produced asked me, “What name would you like to be billed under?” It seemed at once the most simplistic and most complex of questions.


How much of “myself” did I want associated with these projects?

How important was this name?

Would I be forever associated with this name?

A name is a fairly important concept, even one that is “made up” or rather especially one that is made up! In the end I went with a classic formula, and left it to my personal history to dictate the name that would forever be associated with my work in the adult film industry.

The name Charly Carlyle originated in the same manner that many of the best names in the adult film industry have:

  1. What is the name of your first pet: Charlie (the German Shepard)
  2. What is the name of the street you grew up on: Carlisle

Combine fact with a little creativity, and a hint at my given name and voila! = PORN STAR STATUS!

It is true that I have played a doctor in my films…

So…sometimes a name represents an aspect of ourselves, a piece…to me Charly Carlyle represents an important process, a necessary process…and very much a part of who I am even if it’s not a comprehensive representation…I think THAT is just too much to ask from a name!



Supporting Artists: An Art Collector is BORN!

A few evenings ago I attended a Charity event at Beauty Bar in NYC.

Not only did I get a complimentary glass of Chardonnay AND a kick-ass mani (day 4 and it’s still not even chipped), but I was able to view the work of some very talented erotic artists, whose work spanned both coasts.

The event, co-organized and hosted by Joanna Angel of Burning Angel (www.burningangel.com — a site dedicated to alt porn and sex-positive erotic projects), benefited porn star Jessie Lee in her recovery from a debilitating recent car accident.

There were live erotic performances.

A naugthy MC.

And general sexual tension in the air.

Still, the cause was kept in mind and everyone was encouraged to purchase displayed the art…sold at very reasonable prices.

I have ALWAYS wanted to buy art, support the talented; but I ALWAYS hesitate:

“One day, when I have enough money, for extra stuff like that.”

Art collectors are rich people, not young-ish struggling creative types like me…Yet, I always find myself admiring friends’ collections of variant art…from all price-ranges…and so, I made the decision:

This was MY night to start MY (humble) COLLECTION.

I chose this piece by, Viva Van Story (www.vivapinups.com)

Mostly because she reminded me a bit of me, that night…all 50’s pinup…with a naughty-coquettish look-it felt like the right place to start.

I am VERY pleased with my purchase and happy to support Ms. Van Story’s work as she is quite an interestingly beautiful  character herself.

There once was a time when images of women were filled with secrets and mystery, intrigue and enticement. A sideways glance, the trailing smoke of a slender cigarette, a whisper of danger on cherry red lips. Photographer Viva Van Story takes us back to the days of gun molls and garters with her stunning collection of vintage-inspired imagery. Ms. Van Story eschews the modern-day trend of in-your-face sexual explicitness, instead harkening back to an era where tease and suggestion reigned supreme. Her timeless images range from smoldering seduction to coquettish playfulness.

And so…that is my story…my first piece of artwork ever bought…and the beginning of what I hope will be a vast and varied collection. I must encourage you to act in-kind, artists need one thing (that we non-artists) can give, to enable them to keep creating…MONEY and exposure…I can do that, so can YOU!

xxx c.

Trick & Treat! NymphoBrainiac Style!

Halloween has us all in a tizzy this time of year, whether last-minute planning costumes for children or creating some imaginative ensemble for a soiree of the adult-kind, many of us are inundated with thoughts of…


Truly it seems that Halloween caters to adults as much as it does children…and as a holiday that celebrates the darker side of life and fantasy…that’s not really a surprise.

Still when I reflected on this week’s entry: adult sex-toys and Halloween, I have to admit I was at a loss…until I did a bit of research…and voila! I discovered some Tasty Halloween Treats meant to do more than just Trick!

Let us begin with a little excitement from the dark-side…some (if you will forgive my rough-language) undead-cock. For those with a full-on Twilight “hard-on” (now please forgive my bad pun)…I bring you: “Edward“…or at least his…ummm MEMBER

And not only does this High Grade “Twilight Vamp Dildo” have all the qualities to get-the-job-done

  • Realistic dildo in a deathly pale flesh tone for those that fantasize about being tantalized by the forbidden
  • Well endowed head for erotic penetration and satisfying shaft texturized with subtle veining for a spellbinding experience
  • Large base makes it easier to hold, perfect for “O” ring harnesses, and great for use on flat surfaces.

It also includes authentic extra:

Don’t save this for just nocturnal escapades, try taking our Vamp out in the sunlight and watch him sparkle! (www.mypleasure.com)

Yes…The Vamp sparkles and glitters in the sun mimicking our favorite young Twilight Lovers with bloody perfection!

For those of you who prefer a more classic approach to your Halloween Sex Toys, I present:


At over $200, this custom-made toy is not for the casual undead fan, rather I would recommend this toy for the serious ZOMBIE-PHILE! As the website details:

Zombi: All it wants is your warm human flesh. A bloated, rotting, pustulant abomination. Choose from a variety of festering colours.

Size: ~7″ Long total and 1.5″ Across with clit stimulating arteries, and textured rotting penis head… so grotesque as to be amazing!
This hand crafted and body safe silicone dildo is more detailed than any dildo you have ever seen before.  The artists not only have sculpted an insane monstrosity for you from the influence of some of your favorite horror classics… but they also hand paint each dildo to give it personality, and gruesome reality.  It is a labor of love to make these phalo-horrors, so they’re not cheap.  But they are, in 2 words, perfectly horrific. (www.kinkengineering.com)

And I ask you…who wouldn’t want a decayed green disembodied penis to play with on a spooky Halloween Night?

On second thought…don’t answer that…instead let’s move on to my NEXT offering…something we can all enjoy together…or at least those of us over the age-of-consent:


Yes…you read correctly, what I present you is the first X-Rated Pumpkin…Behold, THE PORNKIN!

The website’s slogan is, “CARVE THIS.” And they seem to be going for the young and partying crowd by the looks of their promo-video featuring scantily-clad barbies bouncing through a club…interestingly, there’s neither a pumpkin nor a pornkin in sight…


Regardless, the concept is super creative and while this HALLOWEEN I will not be indulging in dildos of the undead type…I think I will be carving-up a lil porn-pumpkin art…why not? It’s not like kids ever come tricker-treating anymore…so I guess I will just sit home this year, eat an entire package of snack-sized kiddie-candies and indulge in a little Pumpkin-Porno!

TRICK OR TREAT…or in this case, I suppose it’s a little of both!

Happy Sex Toy Tuesday…and a VERY Happy & Safe Halloween to YOU, xxx c

Dirty Talk: It Takes ALL 5 Senses!

So…I am co-hosting an event this weekend at Pranna, nd NYC Club…beautiful decor…soaring ceilings and amazing acoustics…it’s my Saturday regular spot with Blaqlist (www.theblaqlist.com). I am working on the house-music party in the cellar, which I KNOW will, with hard work, be a really special party…of course, with the help of some PHENOMENAL DJ’s like Jay Dabhi & Peter Parker….and on the promotions side…one of the most sensual creatures I have ever had the pleasure of meeting…Miss Toxik Nation…oh and when I say creature…I mean a lovely, amazing, human being…FULL of creativity…someone that I am quite honored to be working with!

THIS WEEKEND…there is a super special performance this SATURDAY the 18th at Pranna by Wynter Gordon, dance music artist extraordinaire…doing her hit, “DIRTY TALK“:

The lyrics bombard us with all variations of DIRTY TALK…as Wynter tells us she is…NO ANGEL!

Well certainly I can relate…and apparently a few of my friends can as well…we started FB’ing about being Dirty…and I discovered that DIRTY TALK truly involves ALL SENSES to be REALLY DIRTY!

Let’s delve a little DEEPER…shall we?

1 Sight

The decadence of this image is truly…a 10-course meal!

2. Smell

The chocolate…that deep almost primitively musky scent that drives us women CRAZY!

3. Hearing


4. Taste

To the tongue…velvet…ending with the piquant nip if the strawberry…and THEN…


Perhaps the DIRTIEST of ALL…

From ONE LITTLE DIRTY PICTURE…we seem to have covered all our DIRTY THOUGHTS and, I hope…inspired a little DIRTY TALK…in YOU!

Looking forward to sharing the evening with some of you and…stimulating conversation…perhaps?



Sex Toy Tuesday (#3): The Kid-Friendly Wii Gets a NAUGHTY Application!

My Boyfriend is a GAMER (cap’s are meant to emphasize the importance of video games in his life). Because he is a gamer and we spend quite a lot of free-time together, I am exposed to all manner of  USELESS (THAT is my emphasis) gamer trivia. However most recently I came across a video game application that might actually come in…handy (bad pun intended):


This is a “Teledildonic” add-on device meant for the Nintendo Wii game system which, if you didn’t know, don’t live with a gamer, or have kids…IS a gaming system that  caters primarily to children and virtually eliminates game controls by reading and translating your actual physical movements into game play. Very cool stuff…

of course it was only a matter of time before someone created a gadget to make it…SEXY!


I am seriously laughing right now…

Here is what the reviews have to say about this new, now only prototypical, mutual masturbatory device:

Mojowijo is a teledildonic accessory for the Nintendo Wiimote, which is somewhat ironic given the console’s family-friendly reputation. The device, currently in private beta, is very simple: You hook the hardware components to two Wiimotes. Wiggling and thrusting on the first remote are detected and sent via Bluetooth to a nearby PC (you don’t need the actual Wii itself).

From there, your movements are sent over the internet and reproduced by a vibrator on the other Wiimote, allowing a remote partner to enjoy your stimulations. Amusingly, the product page touts these teledildonics as just one possibility: the others are sharing the game with someone in the same room, or using the device on yourself. This last seems absurd, a little like riding a bike and steering it using a couple of sticks. It would obviate the need for sitting on your arm until you can’t feel your hand, though.

You can sign up for the beta now, and you’ll get a prototype device to test. The signup page asks for an awful lot of personal details, though, so it might pay to be wary before jumping in, especially as the product shots are just computer-renderings.

If this does take off though, we can see all manner of possibilities.

ReadMore http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/08/teledildonic-add-on-turns-wiimote-into-remote-vibrator/#ixzz0yrKTqRzJ

All Manner of possibilities…I like that! I have long pondered…as I stared blankly at whatever-of-the-moment-hot-game my boyfriend was playing…What if a virtual world of sex could be created? How much more interesting and engaging would game play be? I know there are Japanese games here and there that have tried such things, and perhaps I am only fantasizing about impossibilities but…if the Mojowijo is any indication…maybe, just maybe…I might become a GAMER too!

ya think?

ok…ADULT-VIDEO-GAMER…sound better?

