Artist AnaMelissa Carrion Exposes Our Desires with #ArtisticBoozem


Artist AnaMelissa Carrion is no stranger to exploration; her newest endeavor, #ArtisicBoozem builds on her experience as a fine arts painter by adding multidimensional media to her already sensual and bold approach. Her lifelike bust-casts boast embellishments that speak to our deepest and most human desires. In her own words:

I guess you can add I have always been fascinated by the human body and realized that others were very much fascinated with mine. So I said why not share it with the world. That and I started artisticboozem after a breast cancer scare and the thought of loosing what I always considered my “favorite” and “best” physical attribute was tough so I decided to make a permanent mold.


This Sunday, Carrion’s busty displays will be featured Sunday August 30th 2015 at NYC’s East Village historic hotspot, Webster Hall for their prestigious Quarterly Art Soiree (Q.A.S. info here) where the mission is11951214_10153462781176163_3856670327770229909_n

to exhibit, expose and promote talent in painting, music, graphic design, theatre, sound installation, performance art, installation art, arts and crafts, video art, film, jewelry and fashion while celebrating the rich cultural history of the Webster Hall venue and of New York City’s dynamic East Village. The Q.A.S seeks to showcase art, fashion and music in a vibrant and unassuming manner so that the art form is not held to the traditional pedestals of the “white-cube” gallery, sleek runway, classic stage and the like. Rather, the prospective spectator may witness the creations as an organic part of a communal environment – where not one thing is set apart from another – and where art may fuse with everyday life.

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I am honored to have modeled for one of her busts, which are truly inventive and reflective of the women they represent. It is a gift to be a part of this talented artist’s work, and it’s clear that she is innovative and ambitious enough to make this new work a great success!

11885065_10206881710496901_4862154266123573177_nAdditionally, Carrion is including pregnancy casts in her work as well, which provide an artistically stunning memory for mom’s-to-be.


Please join us This Sunday where she debuts works from this new project and contact her directly if you are interested in commissioning one of these beautifully crafted “physical memories” of your own! (Connect to AnaMelissa HERE)

For those interested in Carrion’s background, her bio and accomplishments follow:

Born in the capital city of dominican republic, raised by the hudson river on riverside drive in NYC AnaMelissa carrion has the pure essence of a true artistic new yorker. Learning english one year after arriving to the states anamelissa was very clear to her teachers about her interest and demanded special attention be given to her artistic skills. It all started with bulletin boards in elementary school, given permission to paint the hallway walls, the reason why she loves large canvases. At The children’s art carnival,  she picked up her first oils and went on to study painting at the high school or art and design. Here in advanced placement classes she is given the opportunity to do what truly fascinates her; prepare for a show, the rush to put together a fascinating series and have her artwork exposed.  AnaMelissa Carrion has  exhibited in many locations and galleries throughout new york city including  Rush Arts Gallery, Essie Green, galleries for The Alliance of Dominican Artist, and Chase bank. Her most recently exposure was in the famous Webster Hall where she participates in the quarterly arts soiree better known as “the QAS”.

AnaMelissa’s art work is captivating due to the original manner in which she constructs each piece, adding a surprising 3D affect turning the canvas into life . Taking a short hiatus to pursue her second passion law and politics she left ny to earn her bachelors of science in legal studies with a  minor in  philosophy and government. She then returned to her city roots and earned her degree in Fine Art and won the CUNY Presidential Award for painting.

AnaMelissa is on the constant move looking for the next big project. She is currently working for private individuals in search for the perfect painting for their home or family portrait, designing interiors as she works with her mother making handmade area rugs and is diligently working with New creations  to produce a wonderfully artistic future for us all. Keep track of this chick and see what she gets into next.

xxx Dr. NymphoBrainiac


Welcome to Modern-Day SwingLife…or Not: When Social Media & Private Sex Lives Collide


I have been more or less a part of the alt-erotic party scene, and the swinger/lifestyle nightlife scene specifically, for the past 10 years; during that time I have witnessed a complete shift in attitude and acceptance regarding what is considered “normal sexual behavior”. This change has been so complete in fact that the swinger/lifestyle-scene, at least in the traditional sense, has been rendered almost non-existent.

Now before you jump all over me, I think the more explicit events (e.g. private, where actual sex occurs as part and parcel of the experience) will continue to exist albeit underground (where I am sure those who indulge in such decadence prefer it).  No, here I am referring to the parties that gained popularity around 2000 or so, those offering, “swinging light” if you will. These events were held in public venues, semi-private affairs that catered to those:

“Wishing to explore sexuality with their (heretofore) monogamous partner.”

I should add here that attendees were most typically straight couples.

I stumbled upon these events in my late 20’s, always a part of the nightlife scene, they seemed a natural extension and a means to explore what was becoming a very pressing urge to explore my own (bi)sexuality and what, at the time, were considered more deviant expressions of that sexuality (polyamory, exhibitionism/voyeurism, BDSM, pornography, eroticism). These parties were, to my limited knowledge, my only option for such exploration.


And explore I did, I have been: guest, promoter, host, and performer at one time or another throughout the last decade at some of the most of the established “erotic parties” in NYC. And for the most part I can report a positive experience…if not particularly satisfying, as I quickly learned my desires weren’t particularly aligned with any of these mainstream sub-groups (an oxymoron I realize, but apt one). I was not a swinger, a don, or a sub…I was somewhere in between all of these “labels”, which at the time wasn’t readily accepted; however, I think much of that has changed. Actually, I think EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED.


I didn’t notice until I took some time off from the nightlife scene to focus on my career, maybe a year. When I returned to nightlife, I began also promoting in mainstream (“vanilla”) clubs, upon their request, on regular club nights. In the beginning we would be the most outrageous bunch in the club. The “we” mostly being those who like me were comfortable with exploring and expressing their sexuality in the nightlife scene but perhaps not comfortable with any of the established alternative “labeled” events (e.g. swinger, etc.). During the five years or so that I worked for both alt/sex parties and “vanilla” parties…things definitely shifted…most notably, previously unacceptable behaviors became acceptable and even common in these “vanilla” parties…behaviors like:


Expressed bisexuality, homosexuality, polyamory

  • You no longer only saw just the “straights” making-out…now it was same-sex, group-sex, the more the merrier!

Partial nudity

  • I can remember the day when Pastease (brand pasties) would have never been allowed in mainstream clubs, they are now considered a viable outfit-option; not to mention, burlesque is performed and promoted at all the top notch venues!

Alternative sexual practices

  • “S&M” themed parties have become the norm…and while they don’t offer perhaps the depth that a “real” BDSM event would, they are by no means tame!

And finally…something else changed, something that I think provides a clue as to the motivation for all of the aforementioned changes:

Photos of all of the above…shared, across social media.

  • Ten years ago, cameras were even allowed at these events, such was the stigma associated with those who attended them. At the very best, maybe the promoter would allow you to post photos on MySpace…WITH HER FACE BLURRED OUT.


You only have to peruse the social/entertainment/news media to see that as a culture we are moving toward a less conservative (sexually), albeit more exploitative (see social media), world. And this shift (I believe) is responsible for the move from sexual expression as private to expression as public. In other words, this observed change described here isn’t about us “as a culture” becoming more open and accepting, it’s really about becoming more exhibitionistic in reaction to our recently adapted “need” to over-share our lives through social media and by extension to indulge in others’ lives through that vehicle…lives that were, before MySpace and Facebook, largely private.


This is a case where the end doesn’t directly correlate to the means…however, I will take it…the “end” (being more sexual freedom of expression) is pretty sweet.



The Vanilla Party: A Study in Sweet Irony

NymphoBrainiacs strive to explore, indulge, and understand all things erotic…so when I heard about a new underground artistically-themed NYC alt event…November 16th’s The Vanilla Party: Aftermath…I knew I had to indulge. And while I am happy to report that there was nothing “vanilla” about this kinky evening…there was far more than even I expected. As creator SaxDMA explains TVP is:

NYC’s Latest Alternative Art and Fashion Interaction Attraction Alternative & Peculiar Performances of Epic Proportion

Yes, it sounds boastful…yet, TVP delivers! The crowd is a mix of downtown eclectic with a goth influence and a fetish feel. The performances repel as much as they seduce…and an overall vibe that collectively encouraged collaboration (artistic..and otherwise) amongst its guests. The next installment will be late winter/early fall and is not to be missed! xxx dr.c.

TATTOO YOU – the Narcissistic Relationship Between Tattoos and Social Media

“This generation’s obsession with body art is another blow to the original culture of rebellion. To have numerous tattoos thirty years ago allowed one to rest on the fringes of society. But in today’s world, little can make one fit in more than a dazzling image of seemingly anything, strutting across one’s arms or torso.

Social media truly is an alternative universe, where one can fall under the false impression that receiving yet another meaningless tattoo delivers the idea that they are living an ambitious and authentic lifestyle.”

– Interesting piece critiquing the mass popularization of tattooing…not sure I agree completely, but it’s a well laid out argument! In the meantime…please do enjoy some lovely inked skin candy…just getting you prepped for the The Ink Party  (click to link to FB invite) in NYC this Saturday…talk about a narcissistic endeavor…I don’t know about you, but for me ink/body art isn’t about rebellion…it’s about expression, and to me that is ALWAYS authentic…xxx c.







The ink party flyer 3

James Pavel

By James Pavel 

 Babies, beaches and half-naked bodies are waiting to be discovered on what appears as almost every social media profile page. But a new, popular method of attracting attention has become tattoos, or new tattoos that have recently been penned on one’s body by an anonymous artist, who in reality, usually deserves all and sole credit for the artistic wizardry. 

 The adoption of tattoos as a new source of attention-craving has allowed individuals to surrender the sum of their identity to tattoos through social media. 

 The lower-back tat might be out, but in are half-arm sleeves, full-arm sleeves, rib-cage tattoos and basically anything that involves piercing the skin with a permanent needle. 

 In 2013, job titles or true achievements are thrown in the back-seat replaced by the immediate gratification that tattoos and social media postings can offer. Tattoos are a painful but mostly rewarding body alteration while…

View original post 299 more words

Give Me 10 Minutes…I Will Show You My Fantasy

Sometimes the night lends itself to playful imaginings…

Sometimes…I have to undress in order to play dress-up…

For you.

This night I mingled fantasies with at Webster Hall’s in famous Trash party, with host Kris Khaos…

and what a lovely time we had mixing nothing but


Jeffery Campbell,


sound equipment,

a mic,

 and a tongue.

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Thank you for loaning me your lens…and cheers to weekend memories

xxx conchita.

Bound: Thoughts from a Rope Demonstration @ A Sexy Zombie Apocalypse NYC

I have always loved ropes…I took to ropes in a way  I never did to the whips, or clamps, or verbal barbs of BDSM.

Bondage feels natural, to me; it feels like home.

When I am wrapped (bound) I feel safe, complete, protected…in my restraint. As if I can finally give up on all of the struggles in daily life and just relax into the ropes…the ropes will support me…they will hold me…and if I releasethey will deliver me from pain into pleasure.

When I bind another, I feel in control…I feel honored. I feel their trust. A mix of serious concern (for their safety) and waves of pleasure flood my mind. I can always see in their eyes when the session moves from “fun” to the realization that they are dependent on me…completelythey are vulnerable. 

I love this moment…I lean in and give her a kiss to reassure her that she hasn’t misplaced her trust…and then I watch her melt into surrender…and the fun begins: she moves, she reaches, she grabs…the ropes become a part of her, an extension of her sexual desire…and I smile, my intentions met.

The above describes much of what you’ll see in the video (shot by Joel of Kamenwati Productions) below from a Halloween event last weekend. My partner, spontaneously volunteered…and this is what she got:

I hope you enjoyed the video…and I would well wishes to everyone recovering from Sandy on the east coast my heart is with you all,

xxx conchita.

“What kind of party IS this?”

“What kind of party is this?”

I have heard it time and time again, concerning my events or smaller get togethers.

The simple answer is:

“It’s an intimate event for friends and lovers.”

The implied meaning being:

This is an adult-themed sexually-charged party, for those who comfortable enough with themselves and their loved ones to explore and express their desires in a respectful and safe manner.


“Oh so it’s a swinger party!”


“No, this is a party for everyone, inclusive of all orientations, genders, fetishes, disabilities…abilities…shapes…sizes, etcetera.”


“Do people have sex?”


“If they want; no, if they do not want.”


“Are they naked?”


“No, usually it’s just me…and anyone else who I am successful at undressing.”

I suppose the short of it is:

I wanted to create an atmosphere of sensual abandon, not a place of a singular or exclusive mindset, rather an INCLUSIVE mindset…a space where people perhaps get to be and do things they have only fantasized about in erotic imaginings. It’s a rather ambitious mission statement I realize, but it’s mine…and my only wish is to make it OUR REALITY.

As my friend Marselette always says, “Party on, or move on.”

xxx conchita.

(image credit:

New Explorations…

This weekend will be my first private event in a long while, and to say I am  excited would be an understatement.

I began throwing events in NYC almost 10 years ago and have always had partners as I enjoy the discovery of collaboration. This event is in collaboration with Sax DMA from The Vanilla Party (check their blog HERE, tasty images abound!), and promises to be a rather eclectic and entertaining new beginning. As you know, if you have perused any aspect of my blog, I enjoy fantasy and costume paired with anything erotic, and you can be sure this event will encompass all three of those essential components!

1. Fantasy: A “Back to School” theme

2. Costume:  Nerds, sexy school girls, pervy gym coaches, jocks, and geeks will represent

3. Erotic: I am not sure I have ever thrown a party where everyone actually kept their clothes on!

The most compelling part of this event is that it is NOT for any single group or subgroup (swingers, hipsters, BDSM, fetish, alt, gay, straight, black., white…you get the idea), this event is for EVERYONE!

Everyone who desires a bit more titillation and substance from their night-out, those who want to go home with memories that make them grin and maybe a bite mark or two to make them cringe the next day…and then smile!

When I started throwing parties it was to bring people together, to offer a space that would foster the development a unique network of friends who don’t judge rather who love, accept, and encourage. I have that. I am thankful…and to be honest I just want to keep it going…for YOU…for me!


xxx conchita.

Great to Be a Nerd

It’s great to be a nerd, it’s great to be a nerd
The only light we ever see is from our moniter

We argue about comic books and internet connections
The biggest highlight of the year is the star trek convention
Our town’s not big enough to sign up any stars
But we once met a red shirt who was phasered by a borg
(man, he knew mr. sulu!) (what? )

It’s great to be a nerd, it’s great to be a nerd
We wear our star trek uniforms and talk like captain kirk

We have our own heroes who we try to emulate
I dream of one day being as sexy as bill gates
We hate watching sports ’cause we’re reading carl sagan
But we’d watch the olympics if they played dungeons and dragons
(I’m a hobbitt! ha ha ha ha!)

It’s great to be a nerd, it’s great to be a nerd
We think tolkein was a genius and shakespeare was a turd

We rarely get a date or get talked to by a girl
Unless they’re having trouble with their algebra homework
We’re emotionally bereft and we’re sexually frustrated
But we can download photographs of agent scully naked

It’s great to be a nerd, it’s great to be a nerd
We know the truth is out there but we’d have to leave our room

We are the nerds in your neighbourhood
Polyester’s a fashion statement
But there’s more room on the beach for you
’cause we’re locked in our basement

It’s great to be a nerd, it’s great to be a nerd
We like to wear colours that do not appear in nature

It’s great to be a
Poorly-dressed fashionless
Star trekking roleplaying
Ninety pound when wet down
Pasty skinned pop drinking
Underfed genius
Yes, it’s great to be a nerd

(from Arrogant Worms)

*Pastease* Knows How to Light up Your Night! (A Thrilling Thursday Post)

Last night I was Perusing my beautiful friend Stephanie Pastease’s Youtube channel (Sexy Fun 101) and discovered both a tit-illating (you know where that pun’s going) and entertaining new product:

Glow-in-the-Dark Pastease® breast pasties (on Sale for $6.99)

Now I have to say, the product itself is so ingenius, it defies description…it simply MUST be experienced!


Mesmerizing is it not?

Yes, it is.

Aside from Stephanie’s infectious giggle…her bounce…does quite a lot for the mood! After a challenging day at work, we could all use a pair of glowing, vivacious breasts to make us feel at once happy-and-horny. There is just something about decorated nipples that ALWAYS makes me smile…

It sort of got me thinking…how great would it be it host a glow-in-the-dark no-pajama Pastease party?!?!

Who’s game?

I am, xxx c.