Fearless Heart

I became interested in mudras about a year or two ago, when I started my yoga practice.

If you’re wondering…

Mudras are physical hand (and finger or body)  gestures or seals, used in meditation, martial arts, and in yoga, that connect us to the energy pathways of our chakras, our organs, and to our emotional states.

And while all that may sound like a bit of  “woo woo”,  mudras have been used at least since antiquity (1500 BCE) and conceivably even in prehistoric religious practice (70,000 BCE), so we can rest easily that their usefulness has been tested.

Wikipedia has this to say about mudras:

A mudra (Listeni/muˈdrɑː/; Sanskritमुद्रा, “seal”, “mark”, or “gesture”; Tibetan: ཕྱག་རྒྱ་THLchakgya) is a symbolic or ritual gesture in Hinduism and Buddhism.[1] While some mudras involve the entire body, most are performed with the hands and fingers.[2] A mudrā is a spiritual gesture and an energetic seal of authenticity employed in the iconography and spiritual practice of Indian religions.

One hundred and eight mudras are used in regular Tantric rituals.[3]

In yoga, mudras are used in conjunction with pranayama (yogic breathing exercises), generally while seated in Padmasana, Sukhasana or Vajrasana pose, to stimulate different parts of the body involved with breathing and to affect the flow of prana in the body.

Even if you’ve never done yoga, you are probably familiar with the chin mudra…which has become a kind of symbol for “I’m meditating”…but is actually a seal reminding the practitioner of the union of the individual soul with the universal soul.

What really began to fascinate me were the more complex mudras, particularly the ones that involve two hands…there was power, strength, and flexibility in their complexity…I, quite literally, could FEEL IT!

Most you hold for a length of time…anywhere from 5 to 45 minutes, or more…while in meditation or a yoga pose. And while nearly all are indicated for specific physical impairments, the strongest impact I feel is on my emotional state. Mudras have helped me both define and understand certain emotional states that cause discomfort…anxiety…depression. Perhaps it is actually about focus, intense inward focus…and if that’s the case…that’s cool too…all I know is that…MUDRAS WORK…ON CLEARING AND STABILIZING YOUR HEART-MIND SPACE.

And so, with that introduction…I present my first mudra to you here…fellow NymphoBrainiacs. Appropriately, it is the FEARLESS HEART mudra:

The Fearless Heart mudra, or Abhaya Hrdaya Mudra in sanskrit, is meant to engender trust in your own strength and vitality…trust in your Fearless Heart. It should be used anytime you need to tap into your inner truth…your courage, your essence and power. In times when you feel that fear has caused you to curl-in on yourself, to give up your dreams, doubt your own desires and goals…to…shut down…call on your Fearless Heart and its infinite wisdom.

A word, this mudra requires some dexterity, and may take a couple attempts before you get it right…but don’t give up…it’s worth the contortions, trust me!

Here’s the step-by-step breakdown:

  1. Raise hands in front of the chest, palms facing center.
  2. Cross the wrists at the backs of the hands touching, right hand closest to your body, palms facing to the sides.
  3. First interlock  the index, middle, and little fingers, while connecting the tips of the thumb and ring finger on both hands, forming two rings.
  4. Note: Cupcake Pastease are optional, however extremely inspirational when channeling that humor (ego-less) chakra 😉

Find a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, roll your shoulders down and back, root your seat into the floor, and pull your interlocked hands down gently to rest at the base of your sternum (or your heart). Alternately, this mudra can be done laying down, with your head carefully elevated. Take long, deep breaths. If it helps, visualize energetic light flowing in and out through the crown of your head to the base of your spine…light in…light out.

And…indulge in the power of your Fearless Heart.


Why Naked Yoga?

Yeah…Why in the hell am I going to NAKED YOGA?!

Let me start out by saying that I love being naked…in my own home.


Let me also say that the purpose of being a nudist (kind of) alludes me…mostly because the activities that they engage in while nude, are activities with no place in their daily life.

Case in point: 50+ year old man hula hooping…amid a mass of equally naked bodies doing a multitude of extra-bouncy activities.

Let’s just say, based on observation, the nude beach is about 80% more active than the non-nude version.

I mean part of me gets it…you feel FREE…why get all into it, it’s a childlike freedom…It’s totally understandable.

However, for me, the novelty and perhaps the opportunity to engage in a nude game of say, “horseshoes” is just not enough of a draw. When I’m nude, it’s nothing special, I’m engaging in the same activities I would do not-nude. Well mostly…except THAT…but, you get what I mean…Then again, maybe I’m doing it wrong…

I remember being at the nude beach and rather than feeling underdressed, I felt under active…I wanted to do the same thing I do at the semi-clothed beach: Go into the water and lay in the sun. The flurry of activity around me was…honestly, a little distressing. I quickly realized the issue with being a nudist for me isn’t that I am nude, it’s that everyone else is. I hadn’t been socialized to process this, meaningfully. And Damnit, I couldn’t take my eyes off all the MOVING parts!

So, knowing this about myself, why in the world am I taking a NAKED YOGA class?

Well for one, yoga is something I actually do, unlike hula hoop or badminton or croquet or lawn darts…or whatever 70’s throwback activities I experienced on the nude beach that day.

I DO YOGA DAILY and…topless, at times, or scantily clad…depending on the heat or the mood…but never have I done yoga NAKED or with OTHER…NAKED PEOPLE…

But, I didn’t answer the question, did I.


Honestly, I have no idea…which is 90% why I feel compelled to do it; the other 10% is quite simply that I love to do things that make me uncomfortable, that I am terrible at…things that generally push my boundaries…and this time…this time, I am scared as shit.

I’ll let you know how it goes.


Cheers to the ‘Rebels’…especially, TODAY.

As we move into a more…”conservative time”….to occupy a social-political space that is “less than open”…

Remember that it is this very (seemingly constrictive) environment that gives rise to energized movements of expression, freedom, and great creativity…which some will label “rebellion,” and others will, more correctly, call: SURVIVAL.


Cheers to the “rebels”…while our actions may seem disruptive, our hearts are actually…aligned.



(Pasties by Pastease)

It’s 4.20…

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“In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. For example, eating 10 raw potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care.

[DEA Administrative Law Judge – 1988]”
― Francis Young


“The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.”
Carl Sagan


“I have always loved marijuana. It has been a source of joy and comfort to me for many years. And I still think of it as a basic staple of life, along with beer and ice and grapefruits -and millions of Americans agree with me.”―Hunter S. Thompson

Happy 420.



(photos by: Shutterbug Boudoir; pasties by: Pastease; Barbie bow: Lexa Terrestrial/ Electric Dollhouse; shoes: Jeffrey Campbell)

Pastease…Gets Personal


Repost via The Examiner interview (by Sarah Afshar):

When it comes to embracing freedom in a fun and sexy way, Pastease knows all about it. Created over a decade ago, this amazing pasties brand lets your spirit shine proudly. Whether you are a burlesque dancer, an exotic dancer, a raver or just a regular gal looking to spice up your love life, Pastease allows you to explore your inner tease. Recently, I had the opportunity to talk to Stephanie from Pastease. Here is what she had to tell me…

Sarah Afshar: Hello Stephanie. How are you? Tell me a little more about the Pastease brand…

Stephanie Pastease: I’m doing great! How are you? Pastease is our online business, we make self adhesive nipple pasties. All of our styles are made with medical grade, latex free, waterproof adhesive. We’ve been making these since 2002 in the good ole USA!

SA: Behind every great creative genius lies a major source of inspiration, a major source of influence. I have to ask, what inspired you to create Pastease?

SP: My husband used to frequent the Lake Havasu scene. Women were getting ticketed for going topless regularly. Todd started looking into the various laws around the US regarding toplessness. As it turns out, most states only require the nipple to be covered for women to go topless. The idea was born! He originally started selling them in small quantities, the sales would cover beer and gas money for a weekend out on the lake. From there, he grew the brand by creating a website and attending various Lingerie Trade Shows. Several distributors picked up Pastease brand Pastease. From that point on the brand has steadily grown.

You offer an array of pasties in so many themes and varieties. What are the most popular right now? We offer a huge variety of shapes and styles, there’s something for everyone on our site. We have a few styles that are popular year round and others that are that gain popularity around upcoming holidays. Right now our Leaves, Pizza, Red Glitter Hearts, Aliens, and Shamrocks are super popular!

SA: Everyone from burlesque dancers to ravers to exotic dancers to regular women (like myself) use pasties from the Pastease brand. Let’s not forget the men who love them too. As a fan of the brand, I think it is so amazing.

SP: Thank you! We love that we have such a diverse group of women and men that enjoy Pastease.

SA: I noticed that you have a special line called Tease. Tell me a little more about this line and how it is different from the pasties already available through the Pastease brand…

SP: We started Tease about a year ago. We wanted to offer a product that would reach out to a different end user. Pastease has bright, crazy packaging that doesn’t always speak out to the bride to be or the woman trying pasties for the first time. This time around, we went with fashion forward packaging and styles with a more seductive look and feel. Pastease is all about Sexy Fun Freedom. Tease is all about Soulful Seduction. In the end, we found that a lot of the same people enjoy Tease as much as they enjoy Pastease. A lot of the stores we sell to are selling both lines, as well. I have found when showing the two lines at trade shows, to friends and family that they usually gravitate towards one package or the other though. Internet shopping and shopping at your local favorite boutique are two different experiences. I think it’s only when shopping and touching the different packages is when the underlying themes and packages call out to different people. Both lines are made with love and the same medical grade adhesive.

SA: When it comes to creativity, it is definitely in your forte. I can tell that when you created the merkins, you definitely embraced it in more ways than one. For those women reading this interview, can you explain what pasties are?

SP: We started making the merkins for people that wanted to bare as much as possible. Our strapless bikinis are for those that love rocking micro bikinis. We fondly call Pastease + merkin a strapless bikini. Merkins are meant to be worn over the bikini area, but we’ve found that a lot of customers like wearing them as a triangle top bikini. Like most of our Pastease fans, we found that people come up with the most creative of uses for our products. The merkin also works great as a pant liner for those wanting to go commando, but want to feel a little less naked, just peel and stick to the inside of your pants. I’ve also had a marathon runner use the merkins on the inside of his thighs for prevention of chaffing.

SA: Can you really customize your own pair of pasties? Tell me a little more about this…

SP: Yes, you can! For many years we’ve been custom imprinting large quantities of Pastease for the topless pools in Vegas as well as, the various business, parties, clubs, personalities, etc. We now offer customs to anyone wanting as little as 5 pair. You can visit our custom page here. It’s super easy to order, pick your shape, color and upload the image you’d like! Since we started offering them in smaller quantities, we’ve done them for birthdays, anniversaries, and so on.

SA: So, if a guy who is a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, a Denver Broncos fan, a New England Patriots fan, or a fan of anything that includes specific fan colors decides to surprise his wife, fiancé, girlfriend, or friend with pasties that represent those colors, he can do that?

SP: He sure can! We offer a large variety of sports themed colors. We had a lot of requests for these over the years and our sports fans are happy to see these.

SA: Other than the official website, where can you find Pastease pasties?

SP: Pastease are available all over the web. They are available at: Yandy.com,DollsKill.com, iHeartRaves.com, NastyGal.com, Amazon.com, and so many more!

SA: When it comes to sizes, you offer virtually every size for every woman out there. I just love that you embrace diversity. I have to ask, what do you think about the diversity in the lingerie industry?

SP: What’s not to love about diversity?! Sexiness comes in all shapes and sizes. We love offering something that brings out the inner goddess in us all. By offering so many shapes and sizes, I feel we are able to ignite the inner tease in every woman out there. I think the lingerie industry offers a lot of diversity. Black lace is no longer the only sexy thing out there for women. You see everything from neon fishnets body suits to sheer vintage style babydolls that are sexy. We, of course make a Pastease that can be paired with any piece of lingerie.

SA: How can pasties spice up your love life?

SP: Pastease are great for spicing up your love life. Some of my favorite tips and stories for turning up the heat are get one of our glow styles and play glow tag or turn all the lights off and come into a room with two bouncing stars or hearts. Here’s a video I did a few years back about our glow styles. Another idea is to put a pair on before a date night. Let your partner know what you have on at dinner or maybe even text them a picture. The excitement and heat will continue to brew until you are able to rock out with your pasties later that night. Most importantly, Pastease make the person wearing them feel sexy, sultry and empowered. When we feel good, we look good. When we feel sexy, the world can hear our silent purrs. Pasties are the equivalent to getting a new sexy matching bra and panty, no one needs to see them or know you have them on for you to feel good. Sometimes we just need to turn up the heat for ourselves.

SA: For all of those women reading this interview, what would you like them to know? What is next for Pastease?

SP: I want every woman on the planet to know she is nothing short of a goddess. Love yourself, take care of yourself, nurture yourself, compliment yourself, and fix up for yourself. We live in a time where advertising leads us to being sexy for others, impressing others, be any and everything for others, but that is so wrong. When you love yourself, that love radiates out of you and shines onto the world around you. Know that. Embrace rocking your inner goddess and everything will fall into play perfectly. When I honor myself, my attractions, do, wear and eat things that make me feel good, I feel and look my best. What’s next for Pastease? I can’t give you all my secrets. You can expect a bunch of sexy, fun styles over the next few months and of course more shiny, sexy things too! I’ll just say there is something for everyone in our next set of new styles, the foodie, the hippie, the disco queen and so much more.


Pastease Does Stevie Boi for NYFW 2016

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Pastease at the Stevie Boi NYFW 2016 show

“Covering” Pastease for NYFW 2016 was a bit of a paradox…I think, you would agree.

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But pairing Pastease brand pasties (aka nipple covers with style) with the youthful edgy feel of accessory designer Stevie Boi’s looks proved a perfect fit!1454713692

Pastease has recently enjoyed more mainstream acceptance as fashion inches toward styles that flaunt more body than they clothe, and their inclusion in New York Fashion Week this year is a reflection of that shift.

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Stevie Boi, the designer behind SB Shades (a luxury eyewear collection), lived up to his hype as fashion’s new rock star…his line was full of easy confidence, earthy urban chic, and attitude to spare..reflecting the body positive, flirty fun, that Pastease has come to represent.

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The show on it’s own, was spectacular…but that’s not what intrigued me. No. The biggest surprise about the Stevie Boi CABIN collection, aside from the sumptuous designs, was the attendees. I admit, I arrived with my own stereotypes about the fashion community…snotty, elitist, cliquey (you get the idea)…however, I was rather quickly proven wrong. My snap judgments had no place at this gathering of truly creative, positive, artistic, open, and collaborative people!

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So, I walked into this NYFW show as a nervous outsider…

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and walked out with some badass kitty-kat glasses (care of SB Shades),

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new Pastease fans, and a completely reconfigured appreciation for the fashion community as just that: an artistic community that values collaboration and variation.

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It was affirming.

I can say that I truly enjoyed this amazing opportunity to represent a company (and people) I love, Pastease, because of the attitude of openness and positivity that marks all that they produce…and at the end of the day, I found that like-attracts-like…so keep spreading that love PASTEASE, one nipple at a time!

– Dr. Pastease (aka Dr. NymphoBrainiac)





No one is a slut…insight_no-sluts-allowed


No one is a slut. “Slut” is a made-up word to keep women from having as much fun as men. A person who enjoys sex is just a person
and a person who is a virgin is also just a person and everyone should lay off each other’s sex lives. Retire the word “slut” please.

(From 20 Things We Need to Give Up via Thought Catalog)



This is a lovely idea…but like so many of the judgmental slurs of our time…”Slut” isn’t going anywhere. It is a part of our vernacular, used to both define and confine someone based on gender roles alone.  However, we can reclaim it…make it ours #WeAreAllSluts

xxx dr.c.

(All images by Michelle Wild and pasties by: PASTEASE.COM)

Pastease: The Sexiest Sale of the Holiday Weekend!


Pastease Deals Start Now!

1)  FREE Pastease Fun Bag with any size order.

Offer starts NOW through Friday.  Valid with any size order.  Limit one (1) Pastease Fun Bag per order.

2)  50% OFF Weekend Sale with No Pair Limits.

Starting on Saturday, get 50% Off all regular priced Pastease!  That’s right, half off all regular priced items through Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.

3)  40% OFF Cyber Monday + Up to $40 Credit + 15% OFF Custom Pastease.

Get 40% Off on Cyber Monday AND account credit based on order size.  Spend $10, get $10 Credit.  Spend $40, get $25 credit.  Spend $75 and get $40 credit.

Custom Pastease are also discounted on Cyber Monday 15% Off!  Over 500 pair are 10% Off!

Offers Valid ONLY at Pastease.com.

A Poem: Reliving (You)

Why is it that I relish the time that I am alone

to savor our intimacy,

let it run through my imagination,

allow it to tickle my deepest senses?

Releasing my mind,

I slip into that secret space between

consciousness and un-…

where I can feel your hand sliding

along the curve of my thigh,

taste you neck warming

to my open lips.

These memories enter me as you do,


I piece the experience together  like an almost forgotten sensation…

the first time you smelled a rose

and brushed its velvety petals

to your lips,

feeling its caress.

I let my tongue wrap slowly

around my finger,

and feel your tongue.

These sensations fill my fantasies.

The raw energy.

The harsh grip of your hands along my pelvis.

As we begin,

the only barrier is my body’s resistance,

which quickly turns to acceptance.

Images become fluid scenes

that seem to slide

into one moving feeling.

Now, your thrust has a sharp clarity

edging on pain…

deep inside.

The kind of pain

that can only be described as


These moments, as I lay alone

I am thinking of you, of us…

and more than that…

I am reliving how I love

your touch,

your lips,

your taste,


(Conchita, 1994)

*image by shutterbugbourdoir.com for pastease.com