Less-Stress, More-SEX: Happy Holidays Images of Sexy Fitness From ForTra!

I recently had the chance to do a fun shoot with Kat ForTra of http://www.ForTradvd.com fame. It was a shoot originally planned to get some images for her site, dedicated to improving your sex-life through improving your overall fitness, body, and health. We did get some great shots that I hope you will enjoy perusing on Kat’s site and which I am sure will be accompanied by tips and education related to “foreplay training for better sex”.

However, we also took a few Sexy Santa shots during that shoot…which stirred a few thoughts around the holidays, health, and…sex.

You know the holidays have that way of enticing us to turn-away from introspection and toward indulgence…delectable treats…parties…family…alcohol…all represent chances to (sometimes defensively) overdo it, and as a result we feel…less than sexy by the New Year.

And while there is no shame in the indulgence-game…the fall-out makes for a difficult recovery at the just about the time we are making health-related New Year’s resolutions.

As an all too frequent victim of this type of…fuckery…I think this year I will attempt a different approach…perhaps an integration of sorts:

The Less Stress, More Sex Approach

Burn calories, while indulging in ecstasy…why not? I think having your cake, eating it…and then eating-our your…ummmm…nevermind, you get the gist!

Happy Holidays LOVERS!

